Current Projects

Fruitful Schools

Fruitful Schools campaign is one of the most significant projects of Shagrha initiative, focusing on environmental and developmental goals. It aims to enhance environmental and sustainable awareness among students in public schools. This is achieved through interactive workshops and the planting of fruit trees in schoolyards; the project seeks to nurture a generation of students with environmental consciousness who appreciate the importance of trees in our ecosystem, understand the basics of urban farming and food production, and possess the ability to make positive changes in their communities.

Eat from Street

"Eat from Street" campaign is one of the most significant projects of Shagrha initiative, through which we aim to plant the seeds of positive change in the hearts and minds of local communities. We aim to transform streets and public spaces into fruitful green areas by planting 150,000 fruit trees over two years. This initiative aims not only to improve the quality of the urban environment but also to enhance awareness of the importance of fruit trees in promoting food security and achieving sustainable development.

A Tree in Your Name

The program aims to raise awareness about environmental sustainability and the importance of fruit-bearing trees for improving the quality of the urban environment among passengers. This is achieved by encouraging passengers to register for the program using a QR code available at all LRT stations and on screens inside the trains. At the end of each month, the passenger with the most trips from each station will be awarded a fruit-bearing tree to be planted in their name. This serves as a tribute to their contribution to environmental protection and their use of an environmentally friendly means of transportation.

Fruitful Hospitals

"Fruitful Hospitals" is a community environmental campaign launched by Shagrha for Sustainable Development that aims to improve the health environment inside hospitals and health units affiliated with the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, by planting 20,000 trees in 200 hospitals and health units distributed across five Egyptian governorates: Cairo, Giza, Qalyubia, Dakahlia, and Aswan. The campaign starts on October 1, 2024, and continues for three years.

We began to raise culture step by step

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